About WCEC and Its People


Founded in 1981, Wilmington Community Evangelical Church (WCEC) is a bi-cultural and bilingual (Chinese and English) church committed to building up the kingdom of God among the Chinese-Americans and their associates in northern Delaware and the surrounding Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Average Sunday attendance of the combined Mandarin and English church is around 360 of which 70-80 people attend the English Sunday service. A typical English Sunday service includes youth, parents of the youth, college students, young professionals, and adults. The church currently has a Mandarin ministry pastor, a children’s ministry staff, and a youth director.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe that there is only one living and true God, infinite in every excellence; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three personal distinctions- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- yet one in substance and equal in every divine perfection. (Exodus 20: 2-3; 1Cor. 8:6; 1Johns 5:7)

We believe in the absolute Deity of the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; that He was divine as no other man can be, being very God of very God, existing from all eternity co-equal with the Father and the Spirit; that He never ceased to be God for one instant and that His humiliation did not consist in laying aside His deity; that as a man He was miraculously begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1-2; 1John 5:20)

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, equal with the Father and Son and of the same substance and nature; that He convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment, bears witness to the truth, is the Agent of the New Birth and that He seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses to, sanctifies, and helps the believer, indwelling every true child of God. (John 14:16-17; Romans 8:14-27; 2Cor. 13:14)

For the complete statement of faith and the church by-laws, click here:  http://media.wcec-home.org/doc/constitution/WCEC_constitution_rev2014_eng.pdf

Our Vision and Mission

Church vision is "Mission and Church Planting".

The English ministry operates by this mission statement:  Empowering people to serve God in a cross-cultural community through transformed living.

We strive to connect everyone to Christ, to Church, and to Community.

Our church supports local missions and charity work in different manners of local services in the mid-Atlantic region. In addition, we support missions work in many parts of the globe.  

What We Offer

We offer practical teachings at all levels from worship services to small groups.  We encourage individuals to practice private spiritual discipline and to take on opportunities for personal ministry.  And with intentional effort to foster friendship circles, providential relationships and pivotal circumstances round out the catalysts for spiritual growth.

Ready to Assist You

Chinese Ministry Pastor -- Rev. Paul Lu

Childrens Director -- Ching-Lie Fritz

Young Adults Fellowship -- Marriah Ma

Web Developer -- Stephen Lu